This project has been the largest I have worked on so far, in terms of the amount of physical components needed to be designed, as well as teamwork required. A great deal of communication between the team and the client was necessary with the project requiring the re-design of the logo and brand, its brochures, membership cards, email and social media content and website.
Multiple logos were pitched to the client, with the final selection being a team member’s minimal logo of a film projector. The level of expertise required for such a project was high, with a need for a multi-faceted team with experience in marketing, web design, graphic design and branding.
This project was of particular importance in terms of my learning experience with larger businesses and bureaucracy. The team and I did not only have to communicate with the general manager of the society, but also its marketers, treasurer and its board.
Multiple logos were pitched to the client, with the final selection being a team member’s minimal logo of a film projector. The level of expertise required for such a project was high, with a need for a multi-faceted team with experience in marketing, web design, graphic design and branding.
This project was of particular importance in terms of my learning experience with larger businesses and bureaucracy. The team and I did not only have to communicate with the general manager of the society, but also its marketers, treasurer and its board.